Newburg | CPA Special News Brief

March 25, 2022

Effective March 23, 2022 the Baker Administration announced a new grant program positioned to boost hiring by providing eligible employers with a $4,000 per employee grant. The funds can be used to cover training costs, supervision time or employee bonuses. New hires must be onboarded between March 23, 2022 through December 31, 2022.

We have included below additional important program details:


Program Details:

  • Employer Eligibility: Any Massachusetts employer who is in good standing with the Department of Unemployment Assistance and Department of Revenue (DOR) obligations and is not de-barred by the state is eligible (excluding federal, state, and municipal governments). Applications must be submitted by the employer, not an education or training partner.
  • Application Process: Employers must pre-register online at Mass.Gov/HireNow by providing employer information. Following the employee’s hire and 60-day retention period, employers will submit a final application for funding. The Commonwealth will also approve the planned use of the funds (training costs, signing bonus, etc.) when approving the application.
  • Eligible Hires: Hires must be made after March 23, 2022, be retained for a minimum of 60 days, and be placed in jobs that are at least 30 hours per week. New hires need to be Massachusetts residents employed in Massachusetts. There are also limits on compensation:
    • Minimum eligible compensation: $14.25/hour (minimum wage)
    • Maximum eligible compensation: $42.50/hour (~$85K annualized)
  • Funding: Up to $4,000 for each eligible employee hired, with a limit of $400,000 per employer. Funds will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis.

For more information on this program, click here.

If you have any questions regarding this notice, please feel free to contact our office at (781) 884-4100 and one of our dedicated team members will be able to assist.

Newburg | CPA

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